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HomeDronesCAA UK SORA Update – sUAS News

CAA UK SORA Update – sUAS News

Dear Operator,

We are writing to you because you currently hold a PDRA-01 based Operational Authorisation (OA) to fly UAS in the Specific Category.

PDRA-01 based OAs will not be impacted by the introduction of the UK SORA Policy. PDRA-01 is under review, but it is very unlikely that there will be any changes to PDRA-01 before 31 March 2026. We plan on consulting before making any changes.

However, as an operator in the Specific Category you may wish to find out more about upcoming changes to UK policy, including the introduction of UK SORA.


Head of RPAS (Applications and Oversight)

Manager FS&I Policy

Introducing UK Specific Operation Risk Assessment (UK SORA)

UK Specific Operation Risk Assessment (UK SORA) will replace the current OSC methodology detailed in CAP 722A, which will be withdrawn in Q2 2025.

UK SORA will make risk assessments for UAS operators more transparent and consistent, while the new digital UK SORA Application Service is designed to deliver a more streamlined application process.

UK SORA is a more structured approach to conducting a risk assessment for UAS operations and is based on the Joint Authorities for Rulemaking on Unmanned Systems (JARUS) SORA v2.5.  

You can find out more about UK SORA on the CAA website.

How will a SORA based application differ from an OSC based application?

A UK SORA based application has several benefits over the existing OSC based method.

  • It uses an online digital application service that makes the application process easier to complete by guiding applicants through each of the SORA steps.
  • CAP 722A is primarily a qualitative methodology and SORA is a more quantitative methodology. This means that there will be less subjectivity and more transparency in the evaluation of your application.
  • The UK SORA application service enables applicants to ascertain the mitigation methods they will have to demonstrate using an online calculator, before choosing to proceed with the full assessment journey.
  • The SORA is split into two phases. This removes the current necessity for applicants to provide all assurance evidence at the start of the application.
  • The SORA framework and online platform will give you confidence that you are providing the evidence required to support the application.

Your current Operational Authorisation (OA) is not affected until it expires

If you have a current OSC based OA, it will remain valid until its expiry date. If you intend to renew your Authorisation, it is essential that you start to consider how you will renew now.

Renewing your current Operational Authorisation (OA)

You can renew your OSC based OA using the OSC methodology, three months prior to it expiring, using the OSC methodology but only before the UK SORA Application Service is live. Once the UK SORA Application Service is live, you will not be able to renew your OSC based OA, and you must apply for a UK SORA based OA.

Applying for a new Operational Authorisation (OA)

If you want to apply for anew OA between now and UK SORA coming into force, you should continue to use the current OSC method.

If you want to apply for anew OA after UK SORA comes into force, you should use the new digital UK SORA  Application Service.

Changes to Remote Pilot Competence (RPC)

New RPC policy supports UKSORA by introducing more advanced levels of Remote Pilot competencies for a wide range of increasingly complex operational scenarios.

Remote Pilots will be able to train through an approved Recognised Assessment Entity (RAE) to one of the new competency standards required depending on the complexity of any intended operation.

The GVC is also being retained, the complexity of the operation will dictate the level of competence required.

What are Recognised Assessment Entities – Flightworthiness (RAE(F))?

RAE(F)s are external organisations that may be used by operators and manufacturers to validate evidence of compliance for technical requirements as part of UK SORA applications where this is required – for example, higher complexity operations where higher levels of assurance are required.

RAE(F)s, much like current RAEs, are likely to charge a fee for their services, however we expect use of an RAE(F), and/or a SAIL Marked UAS, to significantly reduce application processing time.

We anticipate most Operators will opt to use an RAE(F) to assess technical evidence, where this is required, rather than the CAA, although the use of an RAE(F) is optional. We are already working to establish the first RAE(F) in time for the launch of UK SORA.

As the industry scales up, capacity for technical assessment of UAS will also scale up, through growth of RAE(F)s, much like the current RAE model for Pilot Competence.  

What are SAIL Marked UAS?

The SORA is based on a series of SAIL levels, which determine how much, and what, evidence is required for an application to be authorised. SAIL means Specific Assurance and Integrity Level.

The ‘SAIL Mark’ concept is where an RAE(F) works directly with UAS manufacturers during development. By validating Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) evidence, it will be possible to deliver a ‘SAIL Mark’ against a particular make & model of UAS, aligned to the SAIL levels within SORA in which it is safe to operate. An applicant could then utilise a ‘SAIL Marked UAS’ in an application to reduce the technical evidence required. The use of the SAIL mark concept is optional, although we expect its use to significantly reduce application processing time.

Key dates

  • Q1 2025:UK SORA policy published but not in force.We will make the policy available in the CAA regulatory library. We will email you to let you know when this is published
  • Q1 2025: The Remote Pilot Competency Policy will be published.
  • Q2 2025: The policy concepts for the Recognised Assessment Entity(Flightworthiness) (RAE(F)) and SAIL Mark scheme will be published.
  • Q2 2025: The UK SORA  Application Service will go live, and the UK SORA Policy will come into force.

What does this mean for current PDRA-01 based Operational Authorisation(OA) holders?

PDRA-01 OAs are excluded from this update. PDRA01 is not impacted by the introduction of the UK SORA Policy.

What support can I get completing a SORA based application?

We are planning a programme of support over the next year to help operators move to the SORA methodology.

This will start with two webinars which will be published on the CAA YouTube channel to support the launch of UK SORA:

  • Introduction to UK SORA – an overview of UKSORA and how to apply for an OA following the UK SORA methodology, including when you may need to interact with the future Remote Pilot Competency scheme and RAE(F)s.
  • Transitioning OSC-based applications to UK SORA – an overview of the key differences between OSC / UKSORA risk assessment methodology and how to transition applications to maintain continuity of operations

These webinars will be launched in line with the UK SORA Policy in February 2025.

Following this, we are planning further updates to the industry and support to help operators through the process of using SORA for the first time.

We are committed to providing further help and support as we approach the implementation of UK SORA and the UK SORA Application Service. If there are any questions you have about the rollout or application of UK SORA on your operation, please email them to [email protected].

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